Elon Musk Losing Sleep Over Artificial Intelligence


  • Musk is losing sleep over the dangers of advanced AI technology.
  • No single company or group should have control over AI technology.
  • Musk advocates for democratization and wide availability of AI technology.
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and founder of OpenAI, has recently stated that he is losing sleep over artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Musk believes that no single company or group of individuals should have control over advanced AI technology because it is very dangerous and could result in an unstable situation if stolen by bad actors or intelligence agencies
He also advocates for democratization of AI technology, making it widely available. Musk has expressed concern over OpenAI becoming a closed-source company, as it was founded in 2015 as an open-source platform to serve as a counterweight to Alphabet Inc.’s AI division.
Musk severed his ties with OpenAI in 2018 to avoid conflicts with Tesla’s own AI division.
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