Prominent Trader Proposes Colleges to Shoulder Student Debt Forgiveness


  • Trader and author Peter Brandt proposes a bold solution to address student debt by suggesting that colleges and universities should be required to forgive at least 50% of student debt.
  • Student debt relief has been a hot topic in the U.S., with the Biden administration taking steps to alleviate the burden.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court previously struck down a broader student debt relief plan, leading to a focus on alternative proposals to address the pressing issue of student debt and its impact on millions of Americans.

Trader and author Peter Brandt recently proposed a radical idea for addressing the student debt crisis, suggesting that colleges and universities should take on a significant share of the burden. In a tweet, Brandt argued that higher education institutions should be obligated to forgive at least 50% of student debt. He supported his proposal by highlighting the alarming increase in tuition rates, which have doubled the rate of inflation over the past 20 years, making education costs in the U.S. exorbitant compared to other countries. Additionally, he emphasized that U.S. colleges and universities collectively hold a massive endowment of $807 billion.

The proposal comes amidst a national debate on student debt relief in the U.S., where President Joe Biden’s administration recently eliminated $39 billion of student debt for more than 800,000 Americans. This move was made despite the Supreme Court rejecting a broader student debt relief plan. However, concerns arose regarding Biden’s new student loan repayment plan, which permits financially distressed borrowers to delay payments from October 2023 to September 2024 without facing default or credit score declines. Despite the delay, interest will continue to accrue during this period, potentially leading to significant additional debt for millions of borrowers when they resume their payments.

Brandt’s suggestion to hold colleges and universities accountable for student debt forgiveness represents a fresh perspective on addressing the student loan crisis, which remains a pressing issue in the U.S. As the debate continues, policymakers face the challenge of striking a balance between offering relief to borrowers and ensuring the financial stability of higher education institutions.

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