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China’s Second-Quarter Growth Falls Short of Expectations, Indicating Economic Challenges

China’s second-quarter GDP growth came in below expectations, signaling a shaky recovery since late 2022. The data reveals slower growth rates in key sectors, such as exports, imports, retail sales, and property investment.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Opposes Central Bank Digital Currency, Citing Threat to American Liberty

Ron desantis

Florida Governor and potential GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis opposes the implementation of a central bank digital currency (CBDC), warning that it poses a significant risk to American liberty.

Pepe Rivera: From Human Rights Activism to Cannabis Advocacy in Mexico

Pepe Rivera, founder of Plantón420 in Mexico, shares his journey from human rights activism to cannabis advocacy. Learn about his efforts to promote responsible cannabis use and push for policy reforms, as well as his personal experiences with the plant.

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